Nebo CEO and top leadership coach Kate Ebner offers success strategies for engaging and working with coaches. Learn how to be great partners to the coaching process and leave with an understanding of when – and when not – to invest in coaching for an organizational leader.
Kate Ebner Speaking at the 2018 PDI Conference
On Thursday, November 29, CEO of The Nebo Company, Kate Ebner, is speaking at the Professional Development Institute’s annual conference. Kate will be addressing the important topic of sponsorship in the #metoo era.
Webinar: Investing in the Right People at the Right Time
Which strategies work best to motivate and retain your high potential employees? How do you know you are making the right levels of investment in talent development? Learn a practical framework for investing in talent development for your organization.
Smart Strategies for Talent Development Webinar Series
Designed for CEOs, Chief HR Officers, and talent development professionals, the series draws on our experience working with some of the most transformational leaders and organizations in business, government, and non-profit organizations.
Kate Ebner Partners with The Performance Institute
Kate Ebner, Founding Director of the Institute for Transformational Leadership at Georgetown University and founder of The Nebo Company, will participate on Thursday, March 8th in a collaborative research-based Executive Briefing on Workforce Optimization in the federal government in partnership with The Performance Institute.
Work Smarter, Not Harder: Be More Strategic With Your Time
The Eisenhower Matrix is a great tool to create awareness about how you spend your time. Consider these questions as you examine your priorities and bring focus to how you spend your time as a leader.