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    Leading the Emergence Podcast Cover Art

    Leading the Emergence Podcast

    Join host Kate Ebner and guest futurists, analysts, innovators and visionaries who will illuminate useful and powerful strategies to enable better, more confident navigation. A new 30-minute episode each month.

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    Conversations About Race: Start From Within

    The conversation started innocuously. Then my friend blurted out a statement that I could tell she regretted. Maybe there was even surprise that she thought it. If that conversation happened now, here is what I would have done.

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    At the Learning Edge

    Each of us has a “learning edge” – our own personal frontier in which we are rapidly, and sometimes uncomfortably, learning about ourselves and the world. At this frontier, we have the greatest gains to make.

    writing down goals

    Focus on the Wildly Important

    Since January, we have used the 4DX framework to achieve Nebo’s strategic goals. Here’s what we’ve learned.

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    The Age of Innovation

    A common myth in popular culture is that the world of startups – and innovation by default – belong to the young. The reality is very different.

    Simple Ideas for Daily Reflection

    Reflection has more benefit than you might think. In fact, studies suggest that purposeful, daily reflection actually has the ability to improve your cognitive abilities and increase your overall performance.

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    Do you have analysis paralysis about choosing your coach?

    As the Director of Coaching Services at Nebo, Tanara Bowie interviews leaders and recommends coach matches based on their goals, experience, and aspirations. Yet, when it comes time to select a coach, she says that leaders “disappear”. So, what makes this choice so hard?