As a leadership coach, I believe that the single, most important investment a person can make to become a positive, effective leader is to cultivate self-awareness. Fostering self-awareness is the underlying current that runs through my coaching conversations because I’ve noticed that absent self-awareness, we stumble automatically through the world with the best of intentions while wrapped up in our own stories and judgments.
A primary objective of my coaching approach is to create a safe space for my clients to notice the way they make meaning of the events in their lives…their narrative, their story. Using self-observation and reflection exercises, journaling, and often a mindfulness practice, my clients are able to see their habitual ways of thinking, being, and doing. Together we explore their values and needs, their strengths and growing edges, as well as their inner critic who can sabotage the best of intentions. My clients gain an enhanced sense of the way they show up in the world, embracing new possibilities, becoming unstuck, and creating more positive outcomes.
The beautiful thing about cultivating a practice of self-awareness is that it is generative and continues long after the coaching relation ends.