In our work with leaders, we often hear things such as, “I am so busy – there is simply not enough time in a day,” and, “I was busy all day and I still didn’t get to the important items on my list,” and, “We are no closer to achieving our goals today than we were six months ago.” These leaders are often looking for a way to manage their time so that it better represents their priorities. One framework for time management I often suggest to leaders looking to be more effective in the execution of their priorities is the Eisenhower Matrix (See Figure 1).
The Eisenhower Matrix is a great tool to create awareness about how we are spending our time. A few questions to ask yourself as you look at your own priorities are:
This year, the Nebo Company is internally implementing a process for effective execution of strategic initiatives from The 4 Disciplines of Execution by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey and Jim Huling. We are hoping to lift our heads from the daily urgencies of the business and spend more time focusing in Quadrant 2 of the Matrix above. Stay tuned in 2018 to follow our journey, including tips, breakthroughs and challenges, as we work to ensure that our time and energy reflects the priorities we have set for the business.
We’d like to help you work smarter, not harder. Contact us if you and your team would like to be more strategic about how you are spending your time.