Kelly Lewis

Kelly Lewis

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When leaders discover their power and yield it in others with an abiding sense of joy, great things happen. As a coach I blend honest, realistic conversation with the hopeful sense of possibility that helps leaders who are hungry for growth and development find more meaning in and opportunity in their leadership.”

Kelly Lewis is a top leadership coach and facilitator who is committed to helping organizations and individuals “uncover their power and joy.” With a master degree in Polarity Thinking, Kelly leverages her in-depth knowledge of Polarity Thinking with her fifteen years as a Fortune 500 executive to understand the complexity and context her clients lead within. By embracing a “both/and mindset and skillset,” she helps her clients navigate the paradoxes that are present in today’s leadership landscape, such as a focus on employees and a focus on the bottom line; being candid and being diplomatic; delivering results and cultivating relationships;  honoring the past and innovating for the future.

Kelly works from a principle that leadership is a way of being, not just something we do.  She believes the seeds of leadership exist in every young person, woman, and man and those seeds flourish when we experience that just right place between being supported and challenged.


  • 20 years of experience in the field of coaching
  • International Coach federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
  • Faculty member at Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership and Co-Director of the Certificate in Polarities & Paradox
  • Awarded Workforce Magazine’s Game Changer Award (2011) for the innovative design and transformative outcomes of her leadership development programs
  • Contributing author to On Becoming a Leadership Coach (2008)


  • Certificate in Leadership Coaching (Georgetown University)
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Virginia Tech)


  • Resides in Richmond, Virginia, with her husband and two pups

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