Linda Bidlack
Leadership Coach

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“We have to do the inner work that surfaces when we bump into people and tasks that don’t conform to our expectations. Often, a shift is required; what used to work, doesn’t work as well as it used to.  That’s where the adventure begins.”

Linda Bidlack knows the leader’s dilemma firsthand — when it dawns on us that our helping isn’t helping.   She believes coaching gives clients the chance to update old thought habits, to develop new assumptions about what success really looks like in adulthood, unleashing energy that had been tied up for decades in perfectionism, over-functioning, staying in control, or other common default strategies.

With her study of neuroscience and trauma-sensitive mindfulness, Linda knows how jumpy and overwhelmed our nervous systems are in the modern workplace.  She helps clients to track their own thinking and behavior long enough to become better observers of themselves and others in real time so they can self-correct, while everyone else is running around with their hair on fire.

Linda often work with clients on leadership flexibility, increasing capacity to manage intense emotions like frustration and anxiety, emotional intelligence, and learning to embody an inclusive mindset so they can lead a diverse workforce in ways authentic to who they are. She has a passion for coaching leaders in the midst of change, using adversity as a living laboratory for experimenting with how to do their best work in a way that’s sustainable.

Her clients often say that she is warm, encouraging, and easy to drop the mask with as they get down to the business of digging into new ways of thinking and navigating leadership.  Many are surprised, when they look back at their coaching journey, to see how much ground they covered, how much range they developed, and how re-integrated they feel.


  • 25 years of experience in leadership, organization, and career development in aerospace and consulting for dozens of mission-driven organizations
  • Moderates Saturday workshops for Braver Angels (from Lincoln’s 1stinaugural address, on the ‘better angels of our nature’,  just before the Civil War), a citizen-driven movement bringing conservatives and liberals together for workshops to depolarize America with alliances in all 50 states
  • Co-created year-long small groups on race in America for 90 participants, evenly balanced numbers of black and white colleagues
  • Co-teaches the 2-day course “LENS:  Creating a New Normal on Race, One Conversation at a Time” for the Institute for Transformational Leadership at Georgetown University

Education, Training, and Certifications

  • Executive Certificate in Leadership Coaching (Georgetown University)
  • M.A. in Counseling (University of Maryland)
  • International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
  • Polarity Approach for Continuity and Transformation, 2020
  • Narrative Coaching Certificate, 2018
  • International Coach Federation Assessor’s Training, 2015
  • Coaching Teams for Sustained Performance, 2013
  • Assessment Certifications: Leadership Circle Profile; Hogan Leadership Forecast Series; Intercultural Development Inventory and Conflict Survey; Team Conversation Norms Diagnostic; EQi and EQ 360; ESCI; Myers Briggs Type Indicator; OPM Leadership 360; Saroga 360 for non-profit leaders; Strength Deployment Inventory; FIRO-B, FEBI


  • Lived in Haiti as a child, igniting her passion early for cross-cultural friendship.
  • Has parachuted (just once!), backpacked through China and Nepal, loves biographies and science fiction, and sang in a DC gospel choir for 5 years before Covid.

Learn more about Nebo’s services.

Contact Nebo