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Introducing the Transformational Leadership Framework

Introducing the Transformational Leadership Framework

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Are you looking for a new approach to developing your leaders in these fast-paced, post-pandemic times?  

Old models of leadership are no longer sufficient to develop leaders who can navigate today’s unprecedented complexity, pace, and pressures. Over the past decade, Nebo has defined and refined a new framework for modern leaders – a simple, powerful model that brings together key concepts that can lead to personal and organizational transformation. This new framework is designed to help leaders navigate today’s complex conditions and thrive in challenging environments.

I am excited to introduce the Transformational Leadership Framework™.


The Transformational Leadership Framework is composed of four domains: Be, See, Say, and Do. The first domain, “Be,” focuses on being authentic, empathetic, and centered. This domain invites leaders to grow through greater self-awareness, reflection, and a values-centered approach. Attending one’s way of being opens the door to personal transformation. The domain of Be is the wellspring of this model; it is the foundation from which growth occurs.

See” is the second domain. The concepts related to this domain are the missing element in many other popular leadership models. See is about learning to “notice what you notice” – and develop your awareness of what you might be overlooking.  Transformational leaders must be able to see the effect they have on others, as well as the needs, strengths, and contributions of others. They must be able to “see systems” and recognize the systemic implications of change. While maintaining situational awareness of the current conditions, they must also see the future – looking forward with vision and an eye for new opportunities and possibilities. They look for navigational strategies that unlock potential, even in the midst of seemingly intractable challenges.

The third domain, “Say,” is about how you communicate with others – not only how and what you say, but also how you listen and receive information and other perspectives. Transformational leaders are skilled at making meaning of changing circumstances, providing credible narratives that help others stay oriented and focused on top priorities. They use communication to give feedback, establish alignment across the organization, make sense of challenges and articulate a compelling vision for the future.

The fourth domain, “Do,” is about moving to action. Transformational leaders use their energy and focus to get everyone moving in the same direction. They translate strategic priorities into desired outcomes, empowering others to get things done.  They are conscientious about how they use their own time and energy, focusing on leading key outcomes by developing talent, establishing accountability, and adapting effectively to rapidly changing conditions.

The Transformational Leadership Framework is not a linear progression, but rather a continuous flow of attention that moves through all four domains, frequently returning to “Be” as the leader processes and learns from their own experiences.  Drawing on research and principles of adult development, emotional intelligence, and systems thinking, the framework turns the goals and challenges of real life into the stage for a leader’s growth and maturation.

We believe that this framework is the key to unlocking the potential of your organization and achieving success in today’s complex world.  At Nebo, we have developed a customizable leadership program for executive teams and leadership cohorts that help each leader become capable of leading in complexity while transforming developmentally in the process.

Are you ready to become a transformational leader? Start your journey today.

Please contact us at to learn more.



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