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Webinar: Investing in the Right People at the Right Time

Webinar: Investing in the Right People at the Right Time

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Presenter Kate Ebner, CEO, The Nebo Company
Date Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Time 12:00pm – 12:45pm EST

Which strategies work best to motivate and retain your high potential employees? How do you know you are making the right levels of investment in talent development? Which investments are most impactful at each stage of career and why?


Kate Ebner headshot roundKate Ebner, CEO of The Nebo Company, hosts a live discussion of these challenging questions. Kate shares insights from Nebo’s 15 years of developing leaders at all levels across sectors and provides Nebo’s simple, yet powerful strategic framework for evaluating how best to invest in talent development for your employees.

This 45-minute webinar is designed for HR leaders who are responsible for professional development.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strategic framework for evaluating how best to invest in talent development and maximize your ROI
  • “Rule of thumb” for assessing the impact of investments you are already making or considering
  • Fresh insights from Nebo’s experience and live discussion

This is the first webinar in Nebo’s Smart Strategies for Talent Development webinar series.

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Download our Investing in the Right People at the Right Time Framework.


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