As our CEO, Kate Ebner, describes it, the Nebo definition of transformation is simple: “a change from which there is no going back.”
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As a rising or executive leader, investing in leadership coaching can be a wonderful way to enhance your skills, achieve your goals and become more effective with others. But with so many coaching options available, and a wide range of leadership coaches to choose from, how do you select the right coach to match your style and objectives?
Transformational leaders practice the art of holding space.
As the year 2021 comes to an end, many people will use the metaphorical “turning of the page” as an opportunity to celebrate the finale of another challenging and special year.
“Everything you or I or any other breathing thing has ever put in its mouth, or in its nose, or soaked in through its skin, is hand-me-down space dust that’s been around for 13.8 billion years. This wayward matter has been split apart by sunlight, spread throughout the universe, and come back together again. To breathe is to absorb ourselves in what […]
Research supports what we know instinctively: empathy is crucial to our relationships with others – from family members to co-workers. Yet, it is all too easy to slip out of an empathetic mode, especially when under pressure.
The Nebo Company has been named an official partner of the World Bank’s 3rd Annual Innovate4Climate (I4C) Conference hosted in Singapore from June 4-7. The conference is an integral part of the global dialogue on climate finance, climate investment, and climate markets. Sponsored by the governments of Singapore, Germany, and Spain, the World Bank […]
To be intentional about something is to go about it with forethought and understanding. Setting an intention is a wonderful way to focus on what you would like to gain from a certain situation or plan for how you’d like to show-up. In other words, an intention can be used as an excellent tool to practice self-management and improve your presence and […]
Published the third week of each month, the ‘Lead from within’ newsletter features insights, strategies and ideas straight from our work. Edited by Izzy Martens, our newsletter will connect you with what we are learning. Our aim is to enliven your inbox and provide a fresh view into what it means to lead.
On Thursday, November 29, CEO of The Nebo Company, Kate Ebner, is speaking at the Professional Development Institute’s annual conference. Kate will be addressing the important topic of sponsorship in the #metoo era. Please read the program description below and visit PDI’s website for more information and to register!