Five Reasons Why Coaching May Be the Smartest Investment You Can Make
When the going gets tough, leaders benefit from coaching. While it can be hard to make the decision to spend, especially in times of uncertainty, here are five reasons why leadership coaching might be the best investment you make this year.
1. The coaching conversation offers a private discussion where leaders can think and speak freely. Whereas senior team members, partners, peers, direct reports and board members are all stakeholders of the organization, a leadership coach is an objective thought partner who brings greater neutrality, powerful questions and fresh insights. Inside the safety of the coaching conversation, your leader can work through not only what to do, but also how to deliver difficult messages. A leader can put everything on the table with a coach, allowing for balanced, strategic thinking and practical, savvy outcomes.
2. Coaching provides perspective, support – and challenge – for the leader. It is a partnership of equals. Great coaches provide direct, honest feedback, and leaders need not fear that the coach will say things to appease or please. The coach brings encouragement, perspective and also a willingness to hold the leader accountable for following through on the actions and agreements made in the session.
3. Leadership presence matters in times of crisis, and coaches serve as a mirror to their clients. Leaders must project confidence and inspire their teams, employees and other stakeholders, even while on the inside they may be tired, scared and concerned about their own health, safety and future. During fast-moving and challenging times, with the support of a coach, leaders can process their own anxieties, clarify their priorities and identify the qualities of executive presence that build trust and confidence in others.
4. Coaching helps leaders develop the stamina needed to address realities, while also helping them see new opportunities. When the future looks bleak or ill-defined, coaches show leaders how to reframe, expanding their thinking about what is possible. Coaches support leaders to define the situation, identify choices and crystalize a vision for moving forward with confidence.
5. A leader’s behavior and actions affect the entire organization. Although coaching occurs during private conversations, the positive impact of strategic leadership coaching conversations can be felt throughout the organization through the actions of the leader. By facing difficult decisions while demonstrating effective communication, credible executive presence, personal resilience and compassion, a leader will inspire confidence and boost employee morale.
Supporting key leaders to manage through a crisis time is a wise investment for both the short term and the future of your organization.
To discuss how Nebo can best support your leaders through coaching, please contact us at We have developed a team of executive leadership coaches with the experience and perspective to help fortify, develop and sustain your key leaders.