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From Leaf to Lake

When our team asked me to write about the change in our brand “from leaf to lake,” it gave me pause. What did the leaf mean? Why now the lake?

Great Leadership Begins with Self-Awareness

At the heart of our work is a simple truth — that in order to lead well and to deliver on a vision, a leader must begin with a commitment to the inner work of leading, the work of knowing oneself. To quote our friend and colleague, Dr. Neil Stroul: “Leadership is an inner game, but a public act.”

Lead from Within

When I was a little girl, my family frequently visited our dear relatives at their Adirondack camp at Lake Nebo, in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. There, playing amongst the whispering hemlocks and soft, mossy rocks or eating a picnic after canoeing across the pristine lake, I felt great happiness. The clear, shimmering water reflected both […]

What is Coaching?

The field and profession of leadership coaching has grown significantly over the past ten years as organizations have recognized its value in developing people and a means to invest in leaders, from rising executives to established senior leaders. So how does Nebo define coaching and what is it like to work with a Nebo leadership coach? Tanara Bowie, […]

Centering Exercise

We move at a fast pace. From the moment we wake up in the morning, to the time we go to bed at night, it seems like we are moving at light speed. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and distracted in your daily life, which is why it’s important to find a few minutes each day to pause.

Re-inventing Microsoft with Empathy

Since assuming the role as Microsoft’s CEO in February 2014, Satya Nadella has transformed the culture of one of the largest and most influential tech companies. Microsoft has changed from an organization of “know-it-alls” protecting their fiefdoms to a company of “learn-it-alls” that has embraced the growth mindset and places empathy and diversity at […]

Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiator

In 1995, Daniel Goleman popularized the concept of emotional intelligence (EI) in his seminal book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Matters More Than IQ. More than 20 years later, it’s more relevant than ever for leaders to tap into their own emotional intelligence capabilities. In fact, Goleman argues that emotional intelligence is the differentiator of […]

DISC-overing Yourself Using the DISC Assessment

The DISC assessment has been around since the 1970s. What is it? What are the differences among assessments? How do you apply your results to better improve your leadership and relationships with others?

Self-Awareness: The Cornerstone of Leadership Development

There is something satisfying about action that moves us towards tangible goals. It is energizing to dive right in, identifying the tactical steps that will move us to achieve desired outcomes. We constantly receive feedback from the world applauding our hard work and visible progress, which encourages us to do more. When we fail, we may try harder and […]

Being Quiet Is Part of Being a Good CEO

Hal Gregersen, the executive director of MIT’s Leadership Center, has spent his career researching the difference between good and great leaders. He’s interviewed over 200 senior business executives— including Elon Musk of Tesla, Ed Catmull of Pixar, Sara Blakely of Spanx, and Marc Benioff of Salesforce — on how leaders become insulated from […]