Your true goal as a leader is to be respected, not liked. If you are aiming to be liked, you will make compromises to accommodate people and you will be vulnerable to other people’s dramas rather than holding true to the goals and priorities for which you are responsible. Aim to be respected rather than liked. If you are kind, clear, fair and firm, […]
Subscribe to Nebo's Reflections
Presenter Kate Ebner, CEO, Leadership Coach & Facilitator, The Nebo Company Kim D’Abreu, Leadership Coach & Facilitator, The Nebo Company Date Wednesday, June 12, 2019 Time 12:00pm – 12:45pm EST *****
While sensitivities about cross-gender mentoring relationships are not new, the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements have sparked stronger feelings of caution in some men who worry that it may be too risky now to mentor women. And women also have reason to be cautious. According to a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll in late 2017, 48% of currently employed […]
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To be intentional about something is to go about it with forethought and understanding. Setting an intention is a wonderful way to focus on what you would like to gain from a certain situation or plan for how you’d like to show-up. In other words, an intention can be used as an excellent tool to practice self-management and improve your presence and […]
Each of us has a “learning edge” – our own personal frontier in which we are rapidly, and sometimes uncomfortably, learning about ourselves and the world. At this frontier, we may be outside of our comfort zone, but it is here that we have the greatest gains to make.
Presenter Kate Ebner, CEO, The Nebo Company Date Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Time 12:00pm – 12:45pm EST
Presenter Kate Ebner, CEO, The Nebo Company Date Wednesday, December 5, 2018 Time 1:00pm – 1:45pm EST
Published the third week of each month, the ‘Lead from within’ newsletter features insights, strategies and ideas straight from our work. Edited by Izzy Martens, our newsletter will connect you with what we are learning. Our aim is to enliven your inbox and provide a fresh view into what it means to lead.
Summer has come and gone. If you’re like me, that final Summer vacation already seems like a distant memory. I’ve had more than a few conversations in the last few weeks that start with something like, “…back to the grind.” Psychologically, the months after Labor Day can feel like a push to the winter holidays. Practically, the fall is a time of […]