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    The Continuing Journey Towards Racial Equity and Inclusion

    On this Juneteenth, we reflect on the four years since the pivotal events of 2020. Organizations worldwide continue to navigate the complex path of racial equity and inclusion. Despite challenges and setbacks, many remain committed to fostering cultures of belonging.

    Overcoming Barriers to Women’s Leadership

    Recently, in honor of Women’s History Month, I participated in the HR Alliance DC ‘s panel on “Overcoming Barriers to Women’s Leadership.” In preparing for the event, I asked women in my network, including my Nebo colleagues, what they thought the barriers were and what they thought I could uniquely offer (The responses I received […]

    The Gestalt Cycle of the Experience (COE): A Coaching Model For Change

    Coaching is a significant investment in an individual leader. In Nebo’s nearly two decades of delivering coaching solutions in organizations, we know that effective sponsors – or supervisors – can greatly influence the outcomes of coaching, thus maximizing the organization’s return on investment. 

    two heads

    Conversations About Race: Start From Within

    The conversation started innocuously. Then my friend blurted out a statement that I could tell she regretted. Maybe there was even surprise that she thought it. If that conversation happened now, here is what I would have done.

    dancing under light

    Backbone and Heart: The Dance of Coaching

    As coach and author Mary Beth O’Neill describes in her book, Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart: A Systems Approach to Engaging Leaders with Their Challenges, a coaching engagement “is a continual dance of balancing backbone and heart,” requiring coaches to speak not only with kindness, but also truthfully and courageously.


    Four Questions to Ask a Coach

    What questions should you ask when you an interview a leadership coach? Here are four questions to ensure coaching will make a difference for you.

    Values-Based Recognition

    Somewhere between 428 and 347 BCE, Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, famously called humans “a being in search of meaning.” Two thousand years later that search is still underway.