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    Thought Leadership

    Does Your Organization Live Its Values?

    Values motivate and guide behavior and decision-making. In organizational life, the values “in use” shape relationships and establish the company’s culture. While knowing and living from values leads to greater happiness and fulfillment, few people take the time to clarify their top values, and too few organizations tap into shared values as a source of […]

    Tapping Into Your Complexity Genius

    Lead from Within Blog Series: Part 1 “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  – Viktor Frankl, Austrian neurologist, psychologist, philosopher, and Holocaust survivor   You’ve heard of megatrends, of VUCA, perhaps even of BANI. […]

    Photo by Philip Brown on Unsplash

    Spotting Leadership Potential

    In the 2004 movie Miracle, Herb Brooks is hired to coach the 1980 U.S. men’s Olympic hockey team that went on to beat the Soviets and then Finland to secure the gold medal. During the tryouts, Brooks cut some of the most talented players in college hockey, but he selected some players that did not […]

    Nebo’s Referral Program

    At Nebo, one of our core values is impact. We develop human potential to transform the future, and we are always seeking ways to expand our impact by reaching more leaders and organizations. In that light, we are delighted to share Nebo’s Referral Program.  As a gesture of our appreciation for every referral that results […]

    Navigating Uncertainty: FTC’s Ban on Non-Compete Clauses

    Earlier this year, the Federal Trade Commission announced a final rule banning non-compete clauses, calling them an unfair method of competition. The rule, set to go into effect on September 4th, 2024 would: eliminate current non-compete clauses for all but the most senior executives – those with policy-making power and earning more than $151,164, require […]

    Summer Inspiration

    It is late July and you may have already blown through your summer reading/watch list, or you are planning for some downtime during your upcoming August vacation. Our staff wanted to take a moment to share some of our favorite leadership-inspiring reads, listens and watches. Read The Most Powerful Woman in the Room is You, […]

    The Continuing Journey Towards Racial Equity and Inclusion

    On this Juneteenth, we reflect on the four years since the pivotal events of 2020. Organizations worldwide continue to navigate the complex path of racial equity and inclusion. Despite challenges and setbacks, many remain committed to fostering cultures of belonging.

    A leader of people not being understood

    How to Transform a Technical Expert into a People Leader

    At Nebo, we often see this classic case of “what got you here won’t get you there.” Subject matter expertise and technical knowhow will certainly be a significant asset to any leader, however, studies have shown that the most significant predictor of excellence and success in a leadership role is emotional intelligence.

    Creating an Excellent Focus Group Experience

    To develop a deeper understanding of the employee experience in your organization, focus groups are a great option to uncover new insights. Here are some tips to help you structure your focus group experience.