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Want to be Anti-Racist? Begin by Looking Within

“Our job is to spark the genius of everyone around us, set them on fire, and let them loose into the world to radically transform it.” -Dr. Karsonya Wise Whitehead How to Spark the Genius of Everyone In her virtual presentation in the Loyola University Aspire series, Dismantling Racism: Where do I Begin?, Dr. Whitehead suggested that it is necessary […]

Leading Through Chaotic Times

Raise your hand if one of your common refrains last November and December was some variation of “I can’t wait for 2020 to be over” or “2021 can’t come fast enough.” I certainly heard myself expressing a wish to start anew or fast forward!

Leading the Emergence Podcast

As we look toward 2021 and beyond, how do we navigate when we can’t see the future? Join host Kate Ebner and guest futurists, analysts, innovators and visionaries who will illuminate useful and powerful strategies to enable better, more confident navigation.

The Power of a Single Breath

“Everything you or I or any other breathing thing has ever put in its mouth, or in its nose, or soaked in through its skin, is hand-me-down space dust that’s been around for 13.8 billion years. This wayward matter has been split apart by sunlight, spread throughout the universe, and come back together again. To breathe is to absorb ourselves in what […]

2020: Looking Back to Move Forward

It’s hard to believe, but 2021 is upon us. We can all agree that 2020 has been a year like no other: we’ve grappled with a pandemic that has exposed our health and economic vulnerabilities, dealt with divides in our country including sustained protests against racial injustice and a contentious national election, and we’ve adapted to new ways of […]

Taking a Stand vs. Taking a Stance

“A stand is a brave, bold commitment that creates an energetic environment from which we can act.” Humanitarian Lynne Twist introduced me to a key distinction long ago that has stayed with me: the difference between taking a stand and taking a position. Lynne explained that “when you take a position, it always calls up its opposition.” Taking a […]

Conversations About Race: Start From Within

Growing up, many of us learned not to discuss politics, religion or money if we wanted to avoid highly-charged conversations. Race is another topic I would add to that list. Race is so taboo that we do not even talk about the fact that we do not talk about it.

A New Rule: Measure What Matters

When asked what sets their organization apart, senior leaders have a well-worn trope that goes something like this: “Our people are our most important asset.” It’s a common refrain; a nod to the talented employees who drive their organization forward every day.

Taking a stand for a future that is not like the past

The Nebo Company stands as an organization of conscience in solidarity with Black communities and others around the world to condemn the structural, systemic and institutional racism and violence in the United States that has taken countless lives and which has resulted most recently in the horrific killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud […]