The time has come to listen and learn from the next generation of leaders, and allow their ideas and commitment to the future guide us.
Backbone and Heart: The Dance of Coaching
As coach and author Mary Beth O’Neill describes in her book, Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart: A Systems Approach to Engaging Leaders with Their Challenges, a coaching engagement “is a continual dance of balancing backbone and heart,” requiring coaches to speak not only with kindness, but also truthfully and courageously.
World Bank Names Nebo Official Partner of Its 3rd Annual Innovate4Climate Conference
The Nebo Company has been named an official partner of the World Bank’s 3rd Annual Innovate4Climate (I4C) Conference hosted in Singapore from June 4-7.
Strategic Imagination: The Breakthrough Mindset
What sets today’s iconic companies and organizations apart from others? According to recent research, it’s the strategic imagination of their founders and leaders.
Coaching’s Brave New World: Four Coaching Trends to Watch
Executive, business, and leadership coaching has evolved significantly over the past ten years, growing to a $12 billion dollar industry. So, what’s in store for the next ten years? Here are four trends to watch.
A Leader’s Stance: Kind, Clear, Fair, and Firm
Your goal as a leader is first to be respected, not liked. If you are Kind, Clear, Fair, and Firm, your team and staff will trust and respect you, and they will ultimately like you too.
Protected: Interview with Kim D’Abreu on her podcast, (In)Visible Women
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Intentional Leadership: A Guide to Intention Setting
An intention can be used as an excellent tool to practice self-management and improve your presence and impact at work.
At the Learning Edge
Each of us has a “learning edge” – our own personal frontier in which we are rapidly, and sometimes uncomfortably, learning about ourselves and the world. At this frontier, we have the greatest gains to make.
Holding Better Meetings in the Whirl of Autumn
As we race from one discussion to another, it seems timely to share a few ideas about how to convene meetings that are as positive as they are productive.